Big Brother 10 News

Thursday, August 9, 2007

CBS Big Brother 8--

Eviction Night!!8/09/2007

The Scoop!

In less than 24 hours, the votes have seemingly flipped again. Dustin, Amber, Jameka and Jess now realize it's best for them to keep Eric IN the game due to numbers. If they let him go, The Donatos rule the house.

On a side note, Amber said last night (in a whisper) that the Diary Room was trying to sway her to vote for Eric. Now-----here's my question. On any big brother message board you go to you will read thread upon thread of what a BIG LIAR Amber is----there's no holding back, yet.......when Amber 'whispers' this (and who's to say that was HER EXACT WORDS) all those people slamming her now think she is speaking the truth? Hmmmm...........Interesting.

Oh well.........looks like we have the strongest group of 'flip-floppers' yet on this season of Big Brother. I can only imagine the final vote! Each contestant bringing up the two finalists keys, placing one in, then saying NO WAIT! , taking it out, putting in the other..........could be serious overtime on that finale.

Stay tuned for more insider info!

CBS Big Brother 8

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