Big Brother 10 News

Saturday, November 24, 2007

CBS Big Brother 9 confirmed for Feb........


In a conversation today with Robyn Kass of Kassting Inc the primary casting agency for Big Brother, it was confirmed that Big Brother will commence in February.

They are very busy at casting the show as I write this and Robyn asked me to pass on the word to get your applications in or contact her at her website, .

I asked Robyn during our conversation if the Big Brother rumors were speculation or was there a basis in fact? Robyn replied "We are casting with the thought in mind that the house guests would move into the house during the first week of February.

I can not quote on the following, but my feelings are it will be a normal Big Brother, not a Celebrity Big Brother and it is a strong possiblility that the summer Big Brother will also take place.

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