Big Brother 10 News

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Big Brother 9 promos and ponderings

The latest promo commercial for CBS Big Brother 9, which premieres February 12, 2008, indicates there will be 14 houseguests in the big brother house. (see link below).

If the pattern from past seasons is followed, CBS will most likely reveal the identity of at least some of the BB houseguests around the week of February 4, 2008. (possibly sooner in a promo commercial or two so stayed tuned to the blog as we'll post news as soon as we hear!)

Evel Dick has just announced he will be doing promos for the new Big Brother After Dark on Showtime which also begins February 12, 2008.

Given the ratings that Dick Donato brought to the last season of Big Brother and Allison Grodner's promise to pull out all the stops for the new winter season, I'd not be at all surprised to see a guest appearance from Evel Dick on this season of BB9. (but of course, that's just my opinion!)

View new bb9 promo commerical here

Evel Dick's blog
for more information on his promos.

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