Big Brother 10 News

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Big Brother 9--Winter Edition shorter--rumors

Expect the Unexpected---this time for real. (the rumor mill carries on for the new season of Big Brother)

Rumor has it that this season of Big Brother 9 may only last for six weeks opening the door for many new BB twists.

E-news reported 'Big Brother 9(CBS, Feb. 12): Because the writers' strike rages on, the Eye net has prepared a winter edition of this summer reality staple. Rumor has it that this ninth edition may run just six weeks, instead of the usual three months.'

My guess is even CBS isn't quite sure what they are doing yet as the writer's strike is still holding strong. The good thing here about a Big Brother short season? With BB, the theme is always 'expect the unexpected'- How many times have we heard that and waited months to just catch wind of a new twist only to be disappointed? With the option of a shorter season of Big Brother, CBS will be able to implement even more BB twists. -----such as----

-Double elimination episodes--a viewer favorite. (imagine the houseguests feeling all comfortable with their 'eviction vote' for the week only to find out there is ANOTHER person to be eliminated in the next few hour at the beginning of the season instead of the predictable end of the season ---we love those classic BB moments----a shorter season of BB will only bring us more of those)

-Shorter HOH reigns (and we could use those---as it seems anyone who wins HOH suddenly becomes untouchable in their mind----example--Dustin of BB8)----With the shorter season of BB, there's actually the option of being HOH for a few days only to be evicted the very same week.

-Double elimination week---(losing two houseguests in one week shortens and dissolves any strong BB alliances that may be in place).

-Three finalists possibility----taking a cue from Survivor, this would certainly shake the jury up a bit.

So, a shorter season of Big Brother could actually be a good thing for us die hard BB fans. There'd certainly be alot more twists and we could expect much from expect the unexpected. We'll see.

According to Allison Grodner, “We have been told by CBS to get ready for anything, so there’s nothing that is certain at this point. It is a wait-and-see. We are preparing for anything.”

Either way---short or long-----we'll be there for the ride. BB9 Winter Edition has not yet announced an end date.

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