Big Brother 10 News

Saturday, February 23, 2008

BB9 Emergency Update.........

It was a wild evening in the Big Brother house last night---not because of any fight though. BB9 Amanda and Allison both were taken to the hospital. Amanda for passing out from hypoglycemia and Allison for having an allergic reaction. (she thinks it was to the slop---she tasted it)

If you missed anything you can check these posts from last night---

BB9 AA Emergency
BB9 Amanda's collapse on video

Both girls are back and seeing the doctor today.
We also uploaded the reunion conversation between the BB9 gals who had been arguing all day--you can see it at

BB9 Sheila, Allison, Amanda reunite

In the meantime, BB9 Sheila was having a rough night emotionally. She's drained from being paired with Adam---had an argument with Allison just before the allergic reaction----threatened to leave the show due to what she feels is abuse from Adam. Emotions were high for her last night----she and Adam talked for a long long time once everyone was back home and safe.

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