Big Brother 10 News

Monday, February 25, 2008

Big Brother 9 live feed update...

It's been a long day of strategy talk in the Big Brother house, as it usually is a few days before any live eviction. Highlights are: (spoilers below in the list!)

  • Nominated for eviction, of course, are Alex/Amanda and Matt/Natalie.
  • BB9 Joshuah and Sharon have an alliance/plan with James/Chelsia and they plan to evict Matt/Natalie---they think they persuaded Allison/Ryan to vote for Matt/Natalie as well as Sheila/Adam.
  • However, Allison and Ryan have now aligned with Matt/Natalie. (today--video coming)----Matt and Natalie also have Sheila and Adam voting for them (Natalie's telling them to please just give them one vote so it's not a shut out ----they've agreed)
  • Matt has campaigned his butt off all day----he just told Natalie about their new alliance with Ryan and Allison. (no one else knows at all---not even Adam/Sheila)
  • Joshuah, and Sharon have decided to do some 'comforting' because they think Natalie may be aware they aren't voting to keep her---Joshuah gives Natalie a massage and tells her she has nothing to worry about. (he's just trying to throw her off guard)

Bottom line----the new secret alliance of Ryan/Allison and Matt/Natalie could switch up this game. They are targeting Joshuah and Sharon for the next eviction. They've been a strong influence on everyone so far--that could change soon.

Joshuah, Sharon, James, Chelsia are aligned and targeting (well, that changes every hour pretty much)----

Sheila/Adam remain the team on the outside looking in----but that's working for them in this game right now.

Where does that leave Alex and Amanda? They've been told they are safe by Joshuah and Sharon -----we'll see!

This may change 10 more times between now and the live eviction -----but for now, that's where things stand.

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