Big Brother 10 News

Monday, February 4, 2008

Big Brother's Kail Harbick on the chat!

Kail Harbick, a Big Brother 8 houseguest, will be joining my friend, Judy, for a live chat this Thursday, February 7, 2008 at

As we know, Kail is hosting the Big Brother 9 premiere party, along with James Rhine in Oregon to kick off the new season of BB9. Other past houseguests will be attending as well. Join the chat this week and see what she has planned and see who's been added to the guest list!

To sign up and subscribe to receive show alerts and to join the chat with Kail and other Big Brother houseguests just click the banner below or chat with Kail here.

Judy will also be talking to other past Big Brother houseguests very soon.
You can add her to your friend list at myspace for her bulletins on her next big brother houseguest interviews so you don't miss a thing!
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