Big Brother 10 News

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Live Feeds are running/Showtime's After Dark on

Live feeds are up and running ---Showtime's Big Brother After Dark is on now! While we're happy about that things are not going so well for Jen!

---The big brother drama seriously is higher than usual ---way early in the season and we have an alliance crumbling.

If you don't have live feeds----and don't want to know what's going on with the Big Brother 9 houseguests---stop reading here!!

BB9 Spoilers ahead:

The house guest have been in the house for about a week.
Sheila and Adam have been fighting continuously.
Sheila & Allison have created the "Lesbian Alliance". (convincing the other bb houseguests that they've been together 14 years....haha)
Everyone knows about Jen and Ryan (and it's not going over well)---Parker, Jen Matt, Natalie, Alex, and Amanda They all have an alliance. Their alliance wants to vote Ryan and Allison out.
Jacob and Sharon have been evicted (but the guinea pigs have been named after them)

Jen is not happy---Parker is not co-operating and is majorly ticked off (feels he's been put in a very unfair position)---Ryan is confused and Natalie appears to be trying to keep the peace.

Heck, everyone of the big brother houseguests appear to be arguing in some form or fashion right now over the Jen/Ryan connection.

Watch Big Brother 9 on SuperPass-free 2 week trial!

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