Big Brother 10 News

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BB9 Matt evicted, Adam-HOH--now what?

That seems to be the question on Adam's mind---he's not quite comfortable with being HOH just yet knowing he has to nominate two people for eviction. He's set up an interview table so he can talk to each houseguest before he makes a decision. He's very worried about the consequences on him for the rest of the game. Early talk shows him leaning towards putting up James and Chelsia.

There's a 'midnight event' going on in the Big Brother House tonight. The houseguests are all dressed up and waiting----speculation is a Food Competition or a concert.

Natalie is handling Matt leaving very well so far----she says tonight 'Nice Natalie' left---say hello to 'Nasty Natalia'......(video coming)


Anonymous said...

Did Joshuah end up doing anything to Sheila during the commercial breaks? It didn't look like the she was too upset during the live show.
Great site by the way!

Anonymous said...

Nothing happend to them during the live show from what I have heard, I guess like a hour n 30 mins prior to going live they had it out and both were called in the DR together. Not sure if this is 100% correct or not but on BB afterdark Josh n Sheil were cool to each others faces but catty as always behind each others back. Hope that helps you out some what

bb9insider said...

Yep....apparently Josh and Sheila called a 'truce' (when ? Probably after they were called to the DR---my guess only)
Last night on the feeds they were laughing about how big of drama queens they are---(calling in producers, security etc)...I have the clip.....
I'll be loading all the clips as I can. Quite a few from last night--there was alot going on after the live show.
(Today's my birthday! so I'm a little behind schedule but I'll get them up there ;-))