Big Brother 10 News

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend in the BB9 House

What else happened over the weekend in the Big Brother house? (Besides the Chelsia/Natalie cat fight---)

  • Before the fight, BB9 Ryan received news from home that his grandfather had passed away--he confided in Sheila/read his note from home to her.
Video courtesy of Jacquie599.

  • After the fight between Chelsia and Natalie----James and Natalie made a deal to 'look out for each other' in the coming week. Both agree they have bigger targets they'd like to go after (James going after Ryan/Adam and Natalie after Joshuah/Sharon) and agree to do so if either get HOH. (wait---I thought Natalie was never going to trust James again----hmmmm)
  • Sharon, Sheila, Joshuah and Chelsia watched the 21 movie they won during the luxery comp.
  • At the movie, there were 4 popcorn buckets----one with the 'vegas trip' that Ryan didn't win---whoever picked that bucket won the trip. Chelsia won it.
  • Later, Chelsia wanted to 'give' her trip to Adam (but BB said she couldn't give it away) ---so she offered to take Adam on the trip with her if he'd put Natalie on the block. (he declined)
  • The houseguests colored easter eggs most of the day Sunday.
  • Chelsia went on another tear through the house though---breaking all the Easter Eggs, screaming about Natalie (calling her white trailer trash ) and about how she knew she was going to be evicted---continued smashing Easter candy and screaming about they are all there to make money.
  • Sheila gets upset (crying) after Chelsia is talking about Matt---Joshuah asks her if she is Matt's Mom. (she says no but says that there's something she can't talk about)
  • Chelsia tells Joshuah about her and James having sex.

I would imagine we'll see more rants from Chelsia over the next couple of days---as time is ticking away and things do not look good for her to stay in the house. She did say she'd be going out with a bang!

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