Big Brother 10 News

Friday, March 28, 2008

Natalie tells the other gals about the 'new deal'

Well, that new little alliance (consisting of Ryan, Natalie, James and Joshuah) lasted all of two seconds. (or three)---Natalie decided to tell Sharon what was going on---how Josh was trying to get her evicted; Ryan wanting to evict her---

Then, they decided to tell Sheila-----swearing her to secrecy. Sheila's been pushing the 'girl alliance' all along so she's riled up---- looks like Natalie may now be on board with it.

Meanwhile, Joshuah and Ryan are working Adam for his vote---- telling him if the girls stick together he's in trouble.

Ryan and Natalie talk and he realizes Natalie is starting to panic and wanting to keep Sharon again----He tells Adam that they will talk to her today.
Adam appears just not sure at this point where his vote will go (weighing out his risks---I'm sure whoever offers him the best deal will get his vote)

And there's still FIVE days to go until the live eviction----!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why did James and Josh even trust telling Natalie? Didn't they learn their lesson the first time she ratted on their plan? I can't stand this girl!