Big Brother 10 News

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

BB9 HOH Endurance Competition Updates--"Glass Houses"

Ryan, Natalie and Sheila are all three hanging in there (7:38 BBT)---Adam watching: Conversation between them is a bit quiet at the moment---

Sharon tells Sheila she's her hero----hanging in there strong.

Ryan asks if the internet audience is able to view the competition. (yep)

8:00 BBT---All three still hanging strong. Ryan says he has a few blisters; tells Sheila she looks sexy up there---they all say this is going to be a good week (all 'good people' in the house)---

8:15 BBT--Natalie says she heard that she and Adam were going to be put up. (says Sharon --'the mole' told her that she would be the target this week because she's the biggest threat---that 'did' actually happen or was said a few times by both Ryan and Sheila) --Ryan and Sheila say that's not true. Sheila keeps saying "Interesting"..........They all say they are sticking to the plan (to be the final four)---Comparing notes on what James told each of them now.

8:30BBT--Adam says Sharon knows she's going up---then they all discuss how one of them has to go up against her and no one wants too be put up on the block. That's why no one is giving up on the HOH comp. All three are 'hanging tough' ---interestin' huh? If they are all in agreement they are going to be the final four, why not just make a deal here and get this thing over with----maybe James did get to a few of them. (with the trust issue)

8:40BBT--Ryan, Natalie and Sheila make a deal---let Sheila win. (If Sharon wins POV---they agreed to vote off Adam) Ryan just dropped --

Ryan drops from the HOH comp:

8:55BBT After a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong monologue by Natalie about whether to be giving and let Sheila have the HOH win or go for the money (end game money)-- (Sharon asked her what would be the Christian thing to do)---Natalie finally dropped. Sheila is the new HOH. (she chipped a tooth though when she jumped down from the glass house)

Natalie drops--Sheila wins HOH. video clip--

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nattering natalie said...

Thanks for posting this info.

bb9insider said...

You're welcome! ;-)