Big Brother 10 News

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nomination Spoiler--4/17

Nominations were today---Ryan nominated Sharon and Sheila for eviction. The houseguests also participated in a luxery competition---Adam and Sheila have to be chained together for 24 hours. (that's already started --see pic above--and they are quite entertaining so far----we'll see how they are doing around this time tomorrow)---Ryan and Sharon won a movie in the backyard (tonight)---and some kind of shopping spree.

Game talk---Sharon is wanting to evict Adam and making a good case as to why to Ryan.

Ryan wants to evict Sheila and is making his case to Adam.

Just depends on who wins POV as to who 'gets their way' this week.....


Anonymous said...

I am very sad that Natalie got treated the way she did. I mean Sheila begged her to let her win HOH so she could get a letter from home and then she stabbed Natalie in the back. Very tasteless on her part to use the WWJD on Natalie also? I guess we now know that Sheila has no idea what Jesus would do or she would have behaved better. After what they did to Natalie I now hope Sharon comes back and wins it all. That will show them.

Sienna said...

This is the worst BB ever. . .4 tards are remaining. . . but then, there were 16 tards to begin the game, 16 tards, minus 12 tards, only leaves one answer. . ...4 tards.

Anonymous said...

Are you an idiot? Nat is the biggest liar in the house. Not to mention showing her butt & vagina and oh yeah did you miss her licking her own boobs while she was STRIPPING in front of the whole house and simulating oral sex with Chelsia? Actions speak louder than words. If Nat's a Christian, you must be a rocket scientist.

Anonymous said...

What does not being a Christian have to do with anything? I think you don't like our trailer dwelling house guest becuase you know that she wouldn't give you the time of day. You must be really frustrated to care so much about a reality television show. Frustrated people are more often than not, frustrated because they don't have the intellect to understand the situation. Too bad, soo sad. . .now, go away, you are embarrassing yourself.