Big Brother 10 News

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Post Nomination Chatter----

BB9 Adam was pretty quick to try to throw the blame to the DR once he saw how upset Ryan, Natalie and Sheila were after nominations----saying the DR had him go over the pros and cons of putting up people (which from what we've heard, they 'always' do this with each person before each decision --be it votes, nominations or POV)---

After a visit to the DR, Adam came back much more calm and in control. Seemed to be happy now with his decision of putting James on the block. He told Natalie and Sheila that basically it was time for them to play the game--if they want James gone, win the POV. (Come on BB--bring on the how bad do you want this veto competition)

Natalie and Ryan are very worried that James will win POV and use it on Sharon (though he's promised he will not use it at this point)-----leaving Natalie and Ryan as the options for the block. Also, leaving James and Sharon as the majority vote.

Adam thinks James won't win the POV because he's not as motivated. (not being on the block)

Natalie says the POV competition better be favored for her to win it. She also says she will quit the game if James wins POV.

Adam and Sheila are talking---in between Adam's 'ya know what I'm saying' and Sheila's "know this' ---Sheila is telling him she somewhat understands the move he made.

This POV competition could very well be the most intense comp we've seen so far this season. Don't miss the fall out on the live feeds!

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Anonymous said...

I really like James. If Adam aligns with James to make it to the final two he would have a much bigger chance of winning the whole game. They are both strong competitors and can both make it far.

Anonymous said...

^agreed. too bad, it doesn't looks too good for james right now.