Big Brother 10 News

Sunday, April 6, 2008

POV ceremony spoiler-- 4/6

POV ceremony was today----while James and Sharon tried to work a little magic and get Natalie put on the block, the plan to put James up stayed in place. Ryan used the power of veto to remove Sheila from the block and Adam nominated James. ---Fairly quiet in the house for now---little cookout outside. There has been quite a bit of talk about 'next week's plan'----for now, looks like most people are targeting Natalie. Ryan and Sharon have been conspiring for a couple of days now ---Ryan wants Natalie out--he feels she's the biggest threat. More updates later!


bbmagnum said...

james has fought harder than anyone there he has had the whole house after him. but keep comming back bb9 should throw him a bone give him a chance at this game. ryan and natt said if he stayed they were going to leave. shake the house up unless bb9 is afraid someone will walk.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I feel like there is no hope for poor James. I wish BB9 could interviene somehow.... everyone I know wants him to stay in the game... he probably doesn't even know so many people are
pulling for him... This whole show will be a lot LOT less interesting without him

Anonymous said...

I think James will get more public recognition & money from promotions than anyone in the house, including the winner. James has kept it entertaining and he is definitely the star of the show.

Anonymous said...

Not one person, with a functioning brain, supports James. He's a weirdo and malcontent. He has no redeeming value and he is only on a short break before he ends up with Puk doing the reality circuit.