Big Brother 10 News

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

About Last night on Big Brother 9 After Dark (3-26)

Most of the night, BB9 Natalie and Sheila spent time hanging out trying to figure out the next HOH competition and gossiping about all the houseguests. James and Joshuah tried to keep Chelsia's mind busy on her last night (well, most likely it was her last night--I think we'll all be shocked if she ends up staying)---Here James sings "You're getting evicted" to Chelsia--- (around the 57 second mark). She plays along....

Later, Chelsia asked Ryan what she could do to get his vote starting with 'If I shave my head will you give me your vote'----he asks her who she has voting for her, putting Joshuah and James on the spot. He tells her he's heard of her deal to throw James under the bus if she stays----

In part two, Ryan comes back in and says he'd be putting himself at risk if he voted for her and no one else was (except possibly James as Joshuah tells him he can't vote against Sharon). They also wonder if Sharon has a deal to go after James as well since she volunteered to go on the block.

Later, Chelsia starts crying --James tries to comfort her----videos coming.

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