Big Brother 10 News

Friday, March 21, 2008

BB9 Jen....

BB9 Jen is home ---she left a message on her
myspace blog yesterday.

Hello everyone! Yes, it really is Jen from Big Brother 9 and I am back in Columbus, OH!

"First, I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to all my fans! It’s an amazing feeling to know how much support I had in and out of the house. I don’t know what I would do without all the support from my friends, family, fans, and most importantly, Ryan! Thank you all so much for the continuous voting on my behalf to be America’s Choice to go back in the house! Even though I didn’t win, I am glad that I didn’t. It would have turned out the same way for me as it did for Alex. Alex was very upset about it, but I would have been crushed to know that I had that opportunity to be with Ryan again and the outcome would have broken me in half! So my heart goes out to Alex....he is an amazing guy and he deserved another chance at the game! He got screwed!

For the record, don’t believe everything you hear and see on Big Brother. You all have to remember that the things on that show are cut and edited all the time and people are given an image. We don’t know what kind of image we are given until we get out and see it! Everyone that knows me, knows I was myself in that game and that ultimately hurt me in the long run. I am not good at keeping secrets and I do have a big mouth! That also makes for very good TV!

Another thing, I did NOT tell the house about mine and Ryan’s secret! I only told Parker and Ryan told Allison. Since Parker and I were in an alliance with Amanda/Alex and Matt/Natalie, Parker felt it was only fair to tell them about the secret. If it came out later, they would have been pissed at us for lying. So....Parker told Alex and Matt and then decided that we needed to fill in Amanda and Natalie as well. That was one else. Once Allison figured out that we told our "people" then she told the rest of the house. She threatened me with the secret more than once. Our biggest mistake was telling Allison!

One last thing, NO....PARKER AND I DID NOT HOOK UP IN SEQUESTER!!!! Parker and I are like brother and sister and we are not attracted to each other! However, we are very good friends! My heart is with Ryan, now and forever!

Since I have been home, I have had a lot of time to reflect on the game itself. It’s a woulda, coulda, shoulda kinda game and a lot of mistakes were made. All I can do at this point is move forward. There are things that are going to need to be confronted, but all is good! Ryan and I are an amazing couple and we both love each other VERY much! We will prevail and I cannot wait to see him! Our relationship is real and will continue to be real after the show! He really is in there to play this game for me now. He knows how bad I really wanted it and I do believe he is playing for both of us! Thank you to all who say we are a cute couple-he is my rock and we are lucky to have each other!

My life right now is quite overwhelming and it will only get worse! I am such a loser because I sit at home and watch the feeds 24/7. I cry a lot-sometimes happy tears because I am so proud of Ryan and sometimes sad tears because I miss him so much! It’s very hard to watch him and not be able to talk to him, hold him, or kiss him. I am his 1 fan and I am so very proud of him! He is doing such a great job and I can’t wait to see him! He has a big fan club out here and his friends and family are a huge part of it! Thanks also to all of you who are supporting him as well! Go Team Ryan, aka. sweat, Ry-Bread, Quick, etc.!

I went out for the first time on St. Patrick’s Day for a couple hours and was totally blown away by all my fans! Wow, I am really recognized! It’s all good and again, thank you sooooo much to all of my fans. I love you guys! If you see me out in public, please don’t be afraid to come talk to me. If you want a picture with me or an autograph, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will be glad to support the people who support me! I am by no means, famous! I still am Jen "Deez" DiTurno as far as I am concerned!

As far as the other evictees, I talk to Alex, Parker, and Amanda all the time! We are all pretty close. I talk to Jacob too on occasion, but NOT Allison! Does that shock anyone....I think not! For the record, I do not care for Allison and we will not be friends outside of the Big Brother house! That’s all I am going to comment on about her for the time being. I talk to Evel Dick too, from last season!

So thanks again to all my supportive fans! I love you guys! Sorry if I don’t write everyone back, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care.....I have over 2,300+ friends so I can’t respond to everyone! It’s the thought that counts!

Stay tuned for future blog updates and you can catch me on the finale! I will keep you posted on upcoming interviews so you all can stay updated! Thanks again and GO RYAN! I (we) LOVE YOU!

Much love,
Jen - BB9"

Jen's myspace blog

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