Big Brother 10 News

Friday, March 28, 2008

POV competition spoiler---3/28

Finally----the live feeds went to trivia and stayed there---which of course means the POV competition is underway! We'll let ya know as soon as we know who won, who's upset, who's relieved and much more.......stay close!

Winner of POV is again James......right now Ryan, Natalie and Joshuah are making a '2 week deal' and talking about voting out Sharon. (Ryan and James to vote to keep Joshuah ---and not tell Sheila or Adam) Looks like we may have a new alliance on big brother.

Sharon's been upset believing Joshuah is leaving----here's James and Josh talking with her. Josh tells her to buddy up to Sheila (have her take his place)----

Josh asks James if this POV win was like winning the HOH disco ball competition--he says better:

James and Josh talk about the way things seem to be turning out (the deal with Ryan and Natalie---Sharon leaving---) Josh says he believes Ryan. James is hesitant to trust but is voting for Joshuah to stay no matter what.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am def. at this point going for James but I must say how dumb are these ppl?? If they want James out they will HAVE to backdoor him he is an extremly strong and fierce competitor he knows his ass is on the line and he pulls through every time!