Big Brother 10 News

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tension builds between BB9 Chelsia and Natalie

Yesterday, Chelsia tried a different tactic to keep from being evicted. She told Natalie that she was looking forward to going to the sequester house to be alone with Matt---telling her they would heat things up while there (that's NOT how she said it---I'm just putting it nicely). She also told Natalie that Matt didn't like her. Trying to make her jealous and it looks like the 'seeds' Chelsia planted are starting to grow a bit----as Natalie's decided Joshuah is the one who needs to be evicted now and spent literally hours trying to talk Adam and Ryan into backdooring Joshuah and keeping Chelsia (saying Joshuah is closer to James than Chelsia is).

Natalie tries to convince Ryan and Adam to get rid of Joshuah---after this conversation, Adam told Natalie she was just afraid of Chelsia being alone with Matt in the sequester house--she said she wasn't and had no reason to be jealous of Chelsia.

Later in the evening---Chelsia and Natalie got into it---video courtesy of thedumbscreen.

Natalie and Chelsia fight--part one.

Natalie and Chelsia fight--part two.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natalie's such a hypocrite and such a dumbass. She's the one who gave Matt not one, but TWO blow jobs in exchange for...CUDDLING???? And the guy don't even like her! Where's the f*cking self respect on that? Gawd. She's pathetic.