Big Brother 10 News

Sunday, March 16, 2008

BB9 Matt asks 'why'......'why'.....'why'.....

Matt talks to James about why he's on the block....and asks,
"why him more than me?---(why should Ryan stay over him)"

Matt talks to James, Chelsia and Joshuah and asks.......
"why can't I play with you three?"--and "why can't I join your crew?"-----(around the 3:35 mark or so)

Matt and Ryan vent ....Matt asks.....
"why can't a disaster siren save my ass?"

No 'whys' in this clip---just Matt saying he'll do anything to get the votes to stay.
"I'll do anything--I honestly will"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Matt. If he showed this side of himself from the beginning, maybe people would of liked him more. But instead, he had to "play the part" of the tough, city kid. I'm from Boston, and actually work in Charlestown where he is from and I know exactly what he is "trying" to act like. But that's all it is, an act. But, now it's too late for him to turn it around. Bad idea Matty!