Big Brother 10 News

Monday, March 17, 2008

Live Feed Update---St. Patrick's Day---

It's been a confusing day in the Big Brother house----here are the highlights.
  • Sheila and Natalie planned their revenge on 'the other side'---talking about having Ryan and Adam join them if Matt is evicted this week.

  • James, Chelsia, Joshuah and Sharon came up with a new plan to infiltrate the other other side ---(Matt, Natalie, Sheila, Adam, Ryan)----to plant seeds of distrust among them and hope they turn on themselves. (keep reading)

  • James told Chelsia to tell Matt that she couldn't trust James since he came back in the house, mostly because he was the one who suggested that Ryan nominate her last week.

  • Also to tell him that she was thinking of voting Ryan out instead of Matt. (she's not going to--just wants Matt to think she is)

  • James and Chelsia are 'acting' as though they've had a falling out to make all this appear more believable.

  • Chelsia is spending time with Matt, Natalie, and Sheila.

The purpose of this infiltrating plan is---to cause dissension in the team of Matt, Natalie, Sheila, Adam, Ryan. (J, J, C, S hope that the vote will turn out to be 3-3 with James breaking the tie and sending Matt home-------leaving Ryan to see that Sheila and Adam voted against him and then.........Chelsia will continue to claim she voted for Matt to leave hopefully causing more distrust between Natalie, Sheila and Adam ---wondering which one of them changed THEIR vote--of course, that would put suspicion on Sheila and Adam only---everyone knows Natalie is secure in her vote to keep Matt. They hope the distrust between them will cause them to turn on each other. Ultimately leaving the floaters (Sheila and Adam) without an anchor.

Sheesh! I've watched the feeds all day and it still confuses me.

This 'infiltrating plan' is in place now. Chelsia told Matt that she's considering voting to keep him but will need his protection next week if she does and is hanging outside with Ryan, Matt, Natalie. James just talked to Sheila and told her 'his group' was not united any longer and that she should vote her gut (which is to keep Matt).

Right now, Chelsia has been believable (Matt is very excited now thinking he has a 4-2 vote to stay) and James did such a good job at convincing Sheila that Chelsia was most likely voting for Ryan that Sheila went immediately and told Matt she was voting to keep him in the game.

Matt talking to himself and America----(right after Chelsia's told him she's probably going to vote to keep him in----)Video courtesy of !the dumbscreen.

Meanwhile, James tells Ryan that the vote may come down to a tie and he has to really think about who he wants to keep and what's best. (telling him he's not sure where Chelsia is voting anymore as they've had a falling out) Leaving 'bargaining room' there for those two to work out a deal too. (although----James has every intention of voting out Matt---he's not telling Ryan that just yet)

Big Brother also gave them a 'halfway celebration'-----they are 40 days into the 80 day season.

Vidoes being uploaded daily----check

our youtube channel for clips.

More updates soon!the dumbscreen.

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