Big Brother 10 News

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Evel Dick on BB9 and Parker on Housecalls----

Evel Dick fans have something to look forward to---as do BB9 Parker fans:

From Evel Dick's blog

"Tomorrow on House Calls, Parker is coming down to join us and it should be
fun. He seems like a good guy and I think it will be interesting to see how it
goes. So, go to and click on Housecalls at 10am. (pacific time)Check my
pics, there are some new ones from the Vegas trip I took. You might recognize
some of the girls from Rock of Love, they were fun to hang with, them and their
boobs. Not many, but I will be adding more when I get the ones of Bridget (Girls
next Door/Playboy) and I. She is so fucking cool and I had a great time hanging
with her.And lastly, but mostly....Watch Big Brother tomorrow night and you will
get to see a package they filmed this weekend with Dani and I (and I don’t mean
my package... a segment for all of you that were gonna write me and make that
joke.)And tune in again next Tuesday night when yours truly gets to host a POV
competition. This I am really looking forward to. It will be a blast!"

CBS Housecalls Live at 1 pm

If you miss it live---just go to CBS, click on Housecalls and you'll see all the Housecall Shows from this season.

Evel Dick's blog
Housecall Videos


Ginny said...

I had a feeling he would be hosting something, it should be interesting to watch :)

gigi said...

It was so good to see evel dick again!!!!!!! He is a Hottie! My wish would be to meet him. We would have a blast!! He has a great heart in there, and I'm nuts about the whole package. Welcome back BABE!!!!!!!