Big Brother 10 News

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

BB9 Live Feed Update--3/18

Lots of behind the scenes drama will be happening during the live show tomorrow--info below and in second video. Get those live feeds ready--it's gonna be a wild night after the live show!
Big Brother live feed highlights today are:

  • The plan for Chelsia to hang out and infiltrate the team of Matt, Nat, Sheila, Adam continued. She continues to buddy up to Natalie and Sheila and lets them think she'll be voting to keep Matt.
  • A few minor fireworks from Sheila early today as she started to wonder why James suddenly wasn't expecting her to vote for Matt to leave. She even wondered if they were trying to catch her in a lie. She seemed to be onto something for awhile then let it go.
  • Joshuah has decided to target Sheila with one of his rants to get her rattled for the HOH competition tomorrow on the live show.
  • He has told everyone he is going to go off on her even worse than he did on Amanda and Allison. (Natalie and Sheila think Joshuah is 'mad' because he thinks Matt is staying---he's not---just trying to stir the pot before HOH to throw people off their game)
  • He plans on rattling Sheila tomorrow before and during the commercial breaks on the live show. (so---watch those faces closely tomorrow---should be alot of backstage drama going on)
  • Joshuah has told Sharon that BB knows what he's planning to do.
  • Sheila has been told by the other houseguests what Joshuah is planning (just not when) and she's nervous, then angry, then scared, then angry (it's a roller coaster ride).
  • Matt and Ryan promised her they would watch out for her. (in the meantime they go to Joshuah and laugh and cut up with him)
  • Looks like the vote will go down as a 3-3 tie as of today, with James breaking the tie. (Sheila, Nat, Adam voting for Matt to stay---Chelsia, Joshuah, Sharon voting for Ryan to stay)----Although Chelsia is telling Matt and Nat she's voting for him to stay she is not.
  • Right before the HOH competition on the live show (and after the houseguest is evicted), Chelsia plans on telling Natalie that Sheila must have been the one to flip flop on the vote. (saying she's flip flopped all through the game and just did it again--they've been talking today about how Sheila flip flops so much---Chelsia's done a good job of setting the stage for her accusation tomorrow)
  • Natalie, Matt, Sheila and Adam are expecting a 4-2 vote for Matt (Matt is very confident as of right now) to stay so it should be an interesting post live show on the live feeds.

    BB9 Joshuah makes his first move to rattle Sheila.......

Josh and Sharon talk about the live show expectations (votes, rattling Sheila, etc)

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